Savannas, or tropical grasslands, are made up of rolling grasslands lined with shrubs and isolated trees. Savannas can be found between tropical rainforests and desert biomes. There is not enough ra

infall to support forests here. Savannas are made up of two seasons that differ: A long, dry season, and a wet season. In the dry season, about four inches of rain will fall. However, from December to February, no rain will fall at all. Strangely, it actually gets cooler in the dry season. In the wet season, or summer, rain is plentiful. The African monsoons begin in May. An average of fifteen to twenty-five inches of rain falls during this period. I also gets hot and very humid during the rainy season. African savannas have large herds of grazing and browsing hoofed animals. Each animal has a specialized eating habit that reduces that competition for food. There are many different savannas in the world. African savannas. The Serengheti Plains of Tanzania which contain animals such as lions, zebras, elephants, giraffes, and animals with hooves graze and hunt.Many herbivores survive here because they can move around and eat the plentiful grass. This is prey for many carnivores. This brings us to the Tanzanian Savanna food web. With plenty of sunlight in this area, grass is found very commonly. This is food for herbivores such as zebras, elephants, and animals with hooves. Once lions and tigers arrive nearby, they will eat these herbivores. Finally, decomposers such as bacteria or fungi will decompose the bodies of all the animals. Some decomposers will even decompose other decomposers! On the other hand, South America contains savannas which

contain few species of animals. There are savannas in Brazil, Columbia, and Venezuela that occupy two and a half million miles of land. Here, capybara and deer have adapted to semi aquatic life, and plants have adapted to growing for long periods in standing water. Brazil's cerrado is an open woodland of short, twisted trees. Here, there is much diversity, and several plants exist here and no where else on Earth. There is also a savanna in northern Australia where eucalyptus trees take the place of acacias in the Australian savanna. There are many species of kangaroo here, but not much diversity in other species.
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